I am sitting here amongst boxes and piles of books realizing that I am a bit of a pack rat. It is the end of the school year and I am in the process of moving out of my house; a process that I have become far to accustomed to. It amazes me how much stuff I can acquire in only one years time. Books, schoolwork, magazines, and other random things tend to just pile up on me--especially National Geographic's. Why can't I ever bring myself to get rid of these things? It must be the pictures. I can't even bring myself to delete my own pictures that I don't need. Like the numerous folders I have of high school girl's volleyball, freshman football, or JV soccer that I shot while on assignments for the local paper. I am 99% sure I will never use these images, however, I just can't seem to bring myself to drag them to the trash can. Since I am doing this house cleaning I felt motivated to organize my images from this past year. Here are a few I had forgotten about, however, now that I see them I can't send them back to their boring dark folders at the back of my hard drive. This is their chance to shine.
My photographic passion and personal vision constantly motivates me to create images that are compelling, unique, and creative. An overflowing curiosity of life evokes in me inspiration and dedication to document the people and places I see.
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