Saturday, January 5, 2008

I have no idea where I should even start this………

So much has happened since I last picked up the pen, life is a crazy thing—unpredictable, uncontrollable, beautiful.

A constant challenge.

People say that change is good…..I hope their right.

1 comment:

Marsha Ruland said...

Hi Pete,
It was great to see you a month ago at the Capitol! Thanks for giving Lynne and me a tour. We had a great time seeing all the old offices and the new. I am thankful that I had the chance to take the tour with you before moving down to LA. I will continue to pray for your job with the upcoming downsizing. It is a relief to know it is really in the Lord's hands.
I am so excited about the new place your family has in Applegate. I hope to visit in June, but in the meantime, please call me when you're in town. I had the chance to spend the night at Mary's on the way down the coast and it was great to do that!
By the way, I love it when you post to your blog. It is great to see your photos. If you can send me any special photos that you really like, I would love to see them. I have a new fast laptop that I love. Marnie said that one of your pictures of Grace and Makena has been bought by Disney. I would love to see it. It would be great to have one of your photos on my computer screen since they are are so good. I love the ones you've taken of Grace and Mekena and I love the photo of the boy swinging from Ecuador.
Anyway, I hope everything is going well!
