Wednesday, July 4, 2007

What to say……Where to start?

A few days ago I was at work at the capitol in Sacramento, I had just finished shooting a press conference and gotten back to the office. Everyone that I work with was running around like chickens with their heads cut off. I put down my camera bag and tried to filter through multiple conversations to figure out what was going on.

The reason for the confusion was that Governor Schwarzenegger spontaneously decided that he wanted to go to South Lake Tahoe to give a press conference. This conference announced that the Angora fire was 100% contained; Tahoe was open for business and ready for 4th of July.

Within five minutes I was heading out the door with the Advance team on our way up to South Lake Tahoe. Blackberrys buzzing and wide eyed, we franticly piled into a min-van and took off. We had three hours before the Governors jet was wheels down in Tahoe, and an hour and a half drive ahead of us. Logistics were the topic of conversation as details streamed in.

1 comment:

Keri Gross said...

Hey Pete,
I really like all of these photos. I would give it a 90% not a 75%. I especially like the one of the Gov in front of the lake and mountains. You have such a dynamite combination of skills. Your writing is really good and your photography is incredible.